Enough already! It’s Friday and the media is still buzzing about the buses not running in London for part of last Monday. Okay, there must have been some people who had urgent matters to attend and I’m sorry and hope you managed to walk, tube, cab, hitch a lift. But once in every two decades can’t we have a spontaneous day off? ‘Don’t travel unless you have to,’ said the bulletins. Yes. Leave what transport there is for those who need it. Meanwhile, think how nourishing that snow is for your writing; the quality of the light, the whiteness of the freshly fallen flakes coating the world. Mesmerising. This whiteness is the opposite of the usual scary blank page/screen on a Monday morning. I spent most of last Monday morning in a meditative state, watching my garden become transformed. I finally went up to write at about 3 pm – unheard of, my best writing is always in the morning – yet the words flowed. Please let’s not spend money on snowploughs that never get used. Instead, why not fund a few more national play days? I have a feeling it isn’t just writers who could use more ‘blank’ days, some white space …
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