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13 January 2010


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Kellie Jackson

I kicked off on Xmas Day with something I'd seen reviewed quite a bit, 'Legend of a Suicide' by David Vann, a collection of devastating, brilliantly written stories that form a whole...Then a friend, in that strange time between Xmas & New Year, gave me a gift of books including, Cormac McCarthy's,'The Road',(I loved the prose although I was bothered by the ending, it seemed so hopeful...but then again how else can such a book end?)& 'Brooklyn', by Colm Toibin, a bleak but beautifully written tale about a young, Irish girl's immigrant experience. For light relief I read a YA yarn, 'Inkheart'by Cornelia Funke - apparently she ranks in popularity 2nd only to JK Rowling in her native Germany. She lives in LA with her 2 kids and her dog Luna. I know this because I looked up her website...this useless fact and the many others I stumble across when I should be writing is why I have to turn off the computer during daylight hours...

Pam Johnson

Great to hear that, Kellie. What was the big, fat, inspiring read? Do tell....

Kellie Jackson

Happy New Year to you too Pam. I'm enjoying your website.

After a big, fat, inspiring read over Xmas, a fresh approach to a long stalled work-in-progress seems a good way to lunge into the writing year. So as of yesterday, the aim is for fresh words, by hand, every day & without revision, till the end of Feb & to steer clear of working (or wasting time) on the computer..

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