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05 March 2012


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Pam Johnson

Thanks, Will, for that image of Cheryl scribbling ...

will riding

The dinner party analogy had me wishing I'd paid more attention at school, it made the point in sublime fashion. I'm fortunate to have caught Cheryl in action at Folk Camp events where, at the end of the week, she can be seen scribbling away furiously to present us all with a reading. This has become one of the highlights of the week, she captures all the little themes, moods and moments of spontaneity that develop during the week and weave them into a tapestry that has us all grinning and nodding in recognition. I don't know much about the mechanics of our language but the rhythms and style are very distinct and natural. We eagerly await this years camp...

Pam Johnson

So true, consistency of voice - you can't get away from it... any book - fiction, poetry, non-fiction - that's what makes it, the voice, confident, sustained...

And, yes, that blanket with too many holes does have a familiar feel ...


Thank you Pam for asking these questions. It's a terrific collection; I love Cheryl's image of trying to darn a blanket with too many holes... that needn't just apply to poems about her father...on this grey day it feels horribly familiar. One of the things that impressed me was the variety of form, content, yet the recognisable voice all the way through.

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