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14 September 2012


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Freeda F

You have done a marvellous job making the connection to writing! Made me think again.

Pam Johnson

Thanks, Mavis. Indeed, hold to the delight of writing - so much gets written about how hard it is... we must remember why we do it! Because, deep down, we love it!

Mavis Gregson

I was lucky enough to see some of the equestrian paralympics, in the beautifully designed venue in Greenwich Park. I loved the zany joyfulness of the volunteers who guided us there - with what felt like sincere enthusiasm. As for the riders. Inspiring is really the only word, and very moving. Personal fragility and limitation overcome by hard work and empathy between horse and rider - a kind of delight in each other. In the end it felt like a personal best for every one of them - getting out there, holding the task together, reaching for the highest they could achieve, dignity and grace, whether a medal or not. I think for me, in my writing, the message they gave is there. Hold to the delight (the enthusiasm..); if medals don't come, still hold!


Yes, so true. We need an army of volunteers to support writing...


It was extraordinary...never thought I would sit through hours of men's hockey but it was the only ticket available before Prague and watching it all with a Czech commentary...I think the connections you make are interesting but the strongest for me is when they do the slow motion repeat, the silence, the space that comes when everything..exercise, patience, attention, persistence, courage... brings a stillness. Oh yes and the creative talent of the ceremonies...and those wonderful volunteers like Mary S. We need permanent volunteers for support in writing just as much as the creative whizzery...

Pam Johnson

Thanks for your thoughts, Jehane. Yes, those opening ceremonies were a terrific surprise, full of so many memorable images. Wonderful, too, that most of the performers were ENTHUSIASTIC [can't help it!] amateurs. This summer has harnessed so much talent in so many ways.

Jehane Markham

Now, in the quiet of my garden in Norfolk, it all seems quite far away but there, at the time, it was mesmerizing and sometimes uplifting and joyous. I enjoyed watching parts of the opening ceremony very much, particularly the rising up of the satanic mills and the exhilarating homage to the NHS - I felt proud of our shared creative imagination and I thought the opening ceremony for the paralympics was full of invention and beauty. I don't like the nationalistic fervour that it can produce and the obsession with Britain winning gold medals. It is a strange world of speed and competition - neither of which I like - BUT I think you're right, there are ideas and strategies that we can use to help us negotiate the frosty world of publishing and public relations with a renewed sense of self confidence and pride.

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